Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Jan 8th, a Saturday, was my first full free day. And I decided to use my time by tagging along with some of the theater kids for the day.
I went to the British Musem with Kat, Kyle, Sammie, and Ian. We saw all the popular exhibits like the Egyptian monuments, the Assyrian stuff, the Greek nude statues, and a ton of crazy fancy European stuff. I don't even know what period style unfortunately. There was so much visual to absorb, that its difficult to just slow down and absorb information too. It was great to get a feel for the place, as I was going to return to the Museum another day for my own art stuff, and now I could narrow down what I wanted to see.
After that we went to see a play at The Old Vic, called A Flea in Her Ear. It was not about fleas at all. It was, in fact, a classic Victorian farce. It reminded me of the school production Noises Off that happened during the past semester. The set was gorgious and over the top with decoration, especially the hotel set. They had a working turntable that they actively used in the play as well. The story was this weird thing where... hmm.. Well, everyone is confused thinking theyre being cheated on when no one really is, and theres 2 characters that look exactly alike for no reason and it causes all this mayhem. A lot of shrieking and running. I kind of liked Noises Off better, if im going to go for farce. It just got annoying when it was like Godddd this has been going on for foreverrrrr why havnt they figured it out yet? I figured it out! I feel asleep twice when they moved to the far left where I couldn't see. But all in all, it was really fun to hang out with my theater people and see something different and explore more streets of London.
After that, we headed over to meet the rest of the Theater Seminar. Andrea magically possessed an extra ticket for the show Red Riding Hood, and she wanted to offer it to me! It was really great. With a belly full of jerk chicken and beer, I sat next to my boyfriend, who I'd been missing despite the few meetups every now and then, and enjoyed this crazy interactive show. It was kinda written for kids, but had a lot of adult jokes thrown in. The Grandmother for example, was a bro in drag- she called out my John and continued to flirt with him the entire show, it was hysterical. Overall the show was light and humorous. I liked the costume design a lot. The animals only had a few markings to depict them as animals, like ears with a few painted marks on their face. I enjoyed that the Wolf started out as a well-dressed man and got hairier and hairier as the play went on. I really enjoyed myself, there was so much to laugh about and it was nice to experience the childishness in between all the dark serious art and theater we work with.
I got to have a backstage tour as well with the group. I got to hold all the puppets! Unfortunately no puppet people were around for me to ask about construction : / 

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