Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tate Britain... again. sigh.

It might be due to the the exhaustion, as it was still Jan 7th, the same day we saw Westminster Abbey, but I was underwhelmed by the Tate Britain again. I just wasn't particularly inspired by anything and had no desire to explore the old paintings.

We went mainly to see the Muybridge and Whiteread shows.
I am not a photography nerd, so I feel I probably wasn't getting the same sense of awe as the other photo kids. But I did appreciate a number of elements to his work. I loved his landscapes depicting Yosemite. I thought it was interesting that the water in his images turned into the this white solid, that was identical to the white of the sky, almost making water and sky one in the same. I found it an interesting visual concept to mix elements like that. And all that mixing was grounded in the vertical dark marks of the trees.
It was definitely neat to see the Horse in Motion and the weird projector he made. I dont care what fine artist photo people say-- photography will always be a documentation of history. That doesnt mean its not art though, you know?

Rachel Whiteread.... ehhhhh I would've rather seen more sculpture. It seemed a lot of ppl appreciated them in a painterly perspective. Which I suppose is cool cuz she did use weird shit to paint- like resin and varnish. But I just didn't care to spend time looking at sketches when I could be looking at the objects she actually means to present to the public. But, like I said, I was really sick exhausted. I do like the running  concepts through her work, the notions of absence and loss, void and presence. I liked the objects they put in the show to compliment her drawings. Theyre so simple, and beautiful.

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